S6 Thanksgiving Mass

Rev Philip Chan, celebrant of this year’s S6 Thanksgiving Mass makes a point about becoming a grateful person first and foremost. In his sermon, he invites our S6 graduates to contemplate on what they would like to become.


The theme of the Mass is Giving Thanks and Giving Back. It is carefully linked to the Bible readings chosen. We read Mark 10:35-45 and 2 Corinthians:11:21-23 and sang hymns. Through the readings on Jesus’ reply to St James and St John about who is greater, and St Paul’s relinquishment of his supremacy, we reflected on what we have been blessed in our lives and why we need to live our lives with deep gratitude for all that is bestowed on us from our Heavenly Father.


During the Eucharist, Rev Philip further explained to us the profound meaning of the bread and the wine. By tradition, the bread and the wine represented the offering of the first and the best crops from the yield and the livestock, as well as the vigorous exercise and sweating throughout the year in the vineyard and farm. In transferable terms, this reminds us of a choice of putting our strengths in full use for others’ well-being, rather than simply personal gain.


In response to the graces they have received, S6 graduates offered a colourful mosaic, a collaborative piece about their personal strengths. The piece would be on display in the reading corner. Rev Philip blessed the graduates with the message of giving thanks and becoming a grateful giver.


After the Mass, S6 graduates played videos recapturing their fond memories in Sacred Heart. They spoke of the bittersweet experiences gone through with the teachers and schoolmates. They expressed how helpful the technical staff and the janitor are.