The theme of this year’s Easter Programme is Do you recognize Jesus in your daily life? Easy as it seems, the question can be a contemplative challenge to many. That was why students had an ice-breaking Kahoot game to test how fast they could match a personal belonging with a teacher. It is thought that the more familiar we are with a teacher, the more likely it is to recognise his/her item. In the same way, the more observant we are about our neighbours, the more sensitive we become to their needs. That also applies to the fact that we have to be aware of Jesus’ image and the way we could deepen the relationship with Jesus.
In the course of the programme, we contemplated Jesus’s presence in our daily lives with the help of the Bible reading about the Walk to Emmaus, music and photos. Each image invoked in us a special need of the little ones among us.
To enliven our mind, we invited Sr Theresa Zhang to give us an account of her encounter with Jesus since her youth. While Sr Theresa was not born to a Catholic family, she has yielded her life to serve the frail and the neglected ones. Sr Theresa shared that she was able to recognise Jesus whenever she felt peace of mind in her daily life. She reminded Sacred Heartists to be thankful for God’s blessings every day. What have we done in response to all the teachings we have learnt about Jesus our Saviour?
We marked the end of the programme with Freely Freely, a hymn inviting us to be Jesus’ witnesses among the disadvantaged in society.