School Re-opening Mass 2023-24

Rev Dominic Chan, Parish Priest of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, officiated at this year’s school re-opening mass on 15 September in the College Hall.  On the Feast Day of our Mother of Sorrows, Rev Chan spoke of the Seven Joys Mother Mary cultivated through her contemplation on the Cross of Jesus. It has been our school’s tradition to formally commence an academic year on the Feast Day of Mother of Sorrows, the inspiration who gave St Magdalene of Canossa the commitment to walk in charity in the footsteps of Mother Mary.


Rev Chan related the Spirit of our Foundress to our personal growth. He expounded on the beauty of doing small deeds with great love and standing tall against what is beyond our capacity as we cling to Jesus.


During the offering, students offered the Student Companion, community service record book, together with wine and bread, as a symbolic representation of putting our year ahead in Jesus. On this auspicious occasion, we witnessed the commission of Catholic Society ex-co members, before all students and teachers made their pledge to follow the teaching of Jesus and the footsteps our Foundress to love and to serve selflessly, and to live up to the school theme of this year – ‘Learning with Commitment, Serving with Gratitude’.