S6 Thanksgiving Mass 2023-2024

The S6 Thanksgiving Mass was held in the College Hall on 28 June 2024 with Reverend Father Simon Wang as the celebrant.


When Rev Father Wang gave his homily, he shed light on the importance of discernment. He talked about the first thing that his well-acquainted DSE graduate did when studying overseas - finding a parish in his unfamiliar neighbourhood - to illustrate how to be a person of sound mind in spite of the freedoms one enjoyed at university.


Through the first reading from 2 Kings 5:14-17, the congregation was drawn closer to Naaman’s good deed of gratitude for being healed. By means of the second reading in  St Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, we were reminded to rejoice in the Lord and put our cares in prayers, knowing that He listens.


At the eucharistic celebration, our S6 graduates presented roses symbolic of their reminiscences in secondary school and what they deeply felt grateful for: Sr Veronica, the teachers, the classmates, the hurdles in the studies, the indescribable fun in vibrant activities and the unbearable misery. The little girls’ rites of passage were recollected and affirmed at the altar.  Like the roses, our graduates are blooming with confidence, vitality and immense possibilities.


Sr Veronica presented each graduate with a souvenir while Rev Father Wang blessed them with a short prayer. The S6 homeroom teachers connected with their classes’ fulfilment with handshakes and hugs.  


After the Mass, S6 graduates played videos recapturing their fond memories in Sacred Heart. They spoke of the bittersweet experiences gone through with the teachers, classmates and friends who did the same electives or shared the same crave for sleep or dodge ball.