S4 Extended Learning Week 2023-2024

During the Extended Learning Week, our S4 students had the opportunity to participate in an immersive educational excursion in either Beijing, Fujian, Hainan, Kyoto, Okinawa or Penang, with each trip designed to broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of diverse cultures and environments.


These enriching excursions have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on our S4 students. Not only have they expanded their knowledge and appreciation of diverse cultures and environments, but they have also developed crucial skills such as critical thinking, teamwork and cross-cultural understanding. These valuable experiences will undoubtedly shape their perspectives and inspire them to become globally conscious and environmentally responsible citizens.


Environmental and Cultural Study Tour to Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

A group of students embarked on a journey to the Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, where they immersed themselves in the region’s rich cultural heritage and natural wonders. The students visited iconic temples and shrines, gaining insights into the traditions and beliefs that have shaped this captivating region. They also explored the area’s diverse ecosystems, studying the local flora and fauna and the impact of human activities on the environment. One of the highlights was the school exchange programme, where students witnessed the self-disciplined, student-led system in local schools, emphasising the importance of responsibility and self-discipline.


Historical and Cultural Trip to Okinawa, Japan

This group of students ventured to Okinawa, Japan, to explore the region’s historical and cultural significance. They visited the Peace Memorial Museum to learn about the Battle of Okinawa during World War II, and explored the World Heritage Sites that showcase the unique Ryukyu culture. The students also attended traditional performances, further enriching their understanding of Okinawa’s heritage. In addition, they had the opportunity to visit the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, where they were inspired by the passion and dedication of young scientists pursuing their dreams.


Ecological and Cultural Study Tour to Malaysia

A group of students embarked on an eye-opening expedition to Malaysia, exploring the country’s diverse ecosystems and vibrant cultural landscape. They trekked through the Penang National Park, marvelled at the captivating fireflies in the mangrove forests, and explored the mysteries of the Tempurung Cave. The students also had the chance to engage with local communities, experiencing traditional Malaysian cuisine, visiting historical sites, and participating in cultural exchange programmes with Malaysian students.


Sports Study Tour to Fujian, China

This group of S4 students had the opportunity to explore the sports facilities and development in Fujian, China. They visited a school in Jinjiang, Fujian, where they engaged in cultural exchanges and learned about the sports landscape in the region. The students also had the chance to visit sports enterprises, gaining insights into the sports industry in China. Through this experience, they developed a deeper understanding of the sports culture and level of excellence in China. Additionally, the students learnt about the importance of resilience and perseverance in sports.


Environmental Preservation, Technology and Maritime Silk Road Exploration Tour to Hainan, China

A group of students embarked on an enriching study trip to Hainan, China, focusing on the region’s role in the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century, its sustainable power sources, and its historical architectural design. They gained insights into Hainan’s strategic position as a free trade port, visited enterprises and museums showcasing innovative sustainable energy, and toured a renowned movie studio where famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang filmed many movies. The school exchange programme fostered cross-cultural understanding and strengthened the students’ national identity.


Aerospace Technology and STEM Tour, Beijing

The students embarked on a learning journey to Beijing, visiting iconic historical sites like Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, where they witnessed China’s imperial past and engineering brilliance. They also explored the Chinese Aviation Museum, gaining insights into the country’s technological prowess in aerospace, and visited modern institutions like the Chinese Science and Technology Museum and the China Chemical Industry Museum, which showcased China’s advancements in various scientific and technological fields. The trip also included a visit to the Tsinghua University Art Museum, where the students observed the intersection of art, history, and technology, highlighting the timeless nature of Chinese craftsmanship.