S1 Growth Programme: Bridging Course Adventure Activity

To enhance their bonding so as to increase the sense of security and affiliation with peers as well as facilitating their adaptation to secondary school life, the Counselling Team organised a Bridging Course Adventure Activity for S1 students of the 2023-2024 school year.


Led by a Counselling Teacher and alumna as their group leaders, the students participated in several fun mini-games which encouraged them to cooperate and achieve success together. They gave support to one another physically in the game ‘Sit Up Together’ and emotionally in the game ‘Relieve from Trap’.


Our S1 newcomers participated actively in the mini-games. They aimed to win and cheered for their groupmates. They also had a curiosity to know more about their alumnae group leaders and the school with interesting questions. Some were shy in nature but their groupmates helped them to blend into the group. The overall atmosphere was full of spirit, vitality and harmony.