The Student of the Year – Special Award for Most Nurturing Environment

The School was presented with the South China Morning Post Student of the Year – ‘Special Award for Most Nurturing Environment’ in recognition of the endeavour of our Principal, teachers and staff to nurture the spirit of charity in humility and involve Sacred Heartists in local and global community services.


The Award, offered by the South China Morning Post and sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club, acknowledges a school that has provided the support and encouragement to help students with various talents unleash their potential and excel, paving the way to their further studies or careers and opening up new possibilities for young people about their future.


Our School was selected by the Award advisory board members as the winning school for our efforts in emphasising the virtue of charity in humility and encouraging students to understand how their development of talents, qualities and skills go hand in hand with the growth in the spirit of service. The service programmes in which students participate at school allow them to grow from participants to organisers of service projects; to take service for the needy from local to global contexts; and to make them see service as a lifelong commitment.