S6 Thanksgiving Mass

Rev Philip T.H. Chan, Parish Priest, Mother of God Counsel Church, the celebrant of this year’s S6 Thanksgiving Mass, reinforces the significance of a grateful being.  He reminds us of the significance of reciprocity.  While God does not need our assurance that He is good, we need to cultivate a sense of appreciation to move on in times of adversity. The very thought of beauty is necessary for our well-being.


During the Mass, we contemplate on the story of a grateful outsider, who returned to Jesus and expressed his gratitude for Jesus' healing. The story was an anecdote accounting for the neglect of what we have received – how often we have taken for granted what our family, friends and the community have given us, though such unconditional giving is done voluntarily.


In the Eucharist, we celebrated the gifts that God has bestowed on us, especially Jesus who willingly redeemed us and granted us a new life. We prayed for the needs of our S6 graduates, the School, the afflicted, the government and the world.


Sr Veronica Fok, our School Principal, gave each graduate a bracelet symbolic of omnipresence of Jesus on the course of life, His love and the connection with the School. 


After the Mass, S6 graduates played videos recapturing their fond memories in Sacred Heart. In humour, they captured how supportive classmates and teachers were in the senior secondary school days.